BridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Reviewed App on the site:
TouchChat HD AAC with WordPower for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad is a comprehensive, customizable AAC communication application for that utilizes core words, picture/text pairs, pre-programmed phrases and sentences and scenes with embedded “hot spots†to aid a user in effective communication.
Click on the link below for full review:
I am a 5th grade teacher inquiring about the Touch Chat app. I have a student with Downs and Autism and we are looking for some assistive tech options to help her.
Also is there an app available in Google Play, or Android devices that may similar? Or would Touch Chat work on other android devices or is native to apple products only.
Hello Todd, Thank you for reaching out to BridgingApps. Currently, the TouchChat app is only available for Apple devices. An AAC app compatible with Android devices that we have trialed and really like is the Avaz app. You can trial Avaz for free to see if works with your student. Here is the link to our review of Avaz: Let me know if you have any other questions.