BridgingApps Reviewed App | TapSpeak Button Plus for iPad

tap_speak_button_for_ipadBridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Reviewed App on the site:

Tap Speak Button Plus is currently not available. However, TapSpeak Sequence Standard and TapSpeak Sequence Plus are available.

Tap Speak Button Plus is an app that replaces recordable switches. With Tap Speak Button Plus, a single message can be recorded and paired with a shape, picture or a symbol. The app is very easily customized and many buttons can be recorded and saved, which is a great app to use in a classroom or with individual children learning cause and effect and early augmentative communication. We have used this app with students between the ages of 18 months and 14 yrs old with diagnoses of Cerebral Palsy, Autism and severe speech delay.  Other populations that may find benefit from its features are those with Apraxia of Speech, Cortical Vision Impairment and people who have had a stroke.

Click on the link below for full review:

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