With so many new apps on the market each day, it is important that we keep up to date with what is out there. At the BridgingApps Austin Local Meeting this month, we focused on math and storytelling apps that can greatly benefit mobile device users that have special needs.
Some great new math apps have recently come out that are valuable tools for AT Specialists/Teachers and the students they are using them with. Two of the apps we discussed at our meeting were Panther Math Paper and Panther Calculator.  Panther Math Paper allows a user to complete math problems on an iPad, therefore, completing these problems without a pencil! Panther Calculator  has unique access settings, and innovative arrangement of keys, allowing individuals with complex motoric challenges to access a calculator.
We also compared and contrasted a variety of storytelling apps. Â For those who are nonverbal or who have limited communication skills, storytelling apps offer a way for the user to share important information about themselves in a fun way! When it came to these apps we liked the ones that had these four components:Â recorded audio, ease of use, ability to use your own photos, and the addition of written language. One app the featured all four of these was StoryBook Maker.
For a complete list of app that were discussed at the Austin meeting click on the link:Â http://bridgingapps.org/list/?id=46671
Join us on January 29th from 6-7pm for another fun and informative meeting! Â For more information or questions contact Julie Melton Smith @ jsmith@eastersealshouston.org.