Participants at the 2nd Austin TX local meeting came away with lots of great information. Â We started the meeting off with everyone’s favorite topic….Apps! Â A teacher from The Rise School of Austin demonstrated 2 apps they use in the classroom, Sonicpics and Injini. Â At the Rise School they use Sonicpics to visually show the children the steps it takes to complete a task. Â Injini is used for fine motor and cognitive skills. Â Julie Smith, program coordinator for BridgingApps demonstrated some of her favorite apps which included iDressforWeather, Special Words, iAdvocate, and First Then Visual Schedule. Jennifer Bengston, a parent, shared how her daughter with Down Syndrome came to use a mobile device. Â She feels that the device has allowed she and her husband into their daughter’s world and shown them how much she knows. Â She also shared with the group about how her daughter is using her mobile device in her school setting. Â Finally, the group watched a “Getting Started with Insignio” video and had a brief discussion about this tool.
We would love for you to join us at our next monthly meeting May 30th!  BridgingApps meets the last Wednesday of each month at Easter Seals of Central Texas, 1611 Headway Cir, Bldg 2, Austin, TX 78754.  For more information contact Julie Melton Smith at
I\’ve searched for Injini in the app stored, and can no sign that it exists anywhere.
Oops, I misspelled that badly; it should read \”I’ve searched for Injini in the app store, and can find no sign that it exists anywhere.\”
Hi Tim-
If you go to Insignio, then Lists, you will find a list called \”Apps from Austin TX Meeting\”. There is a direct link for Injini in the iTunes store. Hope this helps!
Thank you; I found your list and I see it\’s called \”My First AAC by Injini\”. Strangely when I search for \”My First AAC\” using my iPod\’s App store search feature, it\’s not found either. I do see you have a link that goes straight to the iTunes store… I normally buy through the iPod rather than through a PC, but I do have a computer at home with iTunes installed, so I\’ll attempt to find it there. However, I may still have a problem with doing it that way, because I remember in the Austin meeting hearing there was a Lite version of this software which is free, so it might be nice to download that first as a trial before buying the full version, and I see you don\’t have a link to the Lite version. So without a link, and without the app store\’s own search engine finding this app, I may be out of luck.
Hi Tim-
Here is a direct link to the \”Austin Meeting\” list. If you scroll down you will see Injini Lite there. Hope this works for you!
Thank you for that link. For some reason when I saw in the lists menu:
\”BA April Meeting Apps List\”
I assumed that was it, and then I saw the paid version of Injini in there, and figured that confirmed I was in the right list, but now I see from your link I was in the wrong list, but now you\’ve cleared it up for me. I\’m downloading it right now. It\’s mystifying that the regular app store app doesn\’t find this app, but your search tool does. I\’m thankful for your Insignia search tool.