Apps for Graduates

What do you give a graduating student about to make their first foray into employment, post-secondary education, or independent living? How about an app (or a new device preloaded with apps) to help them in the transition?

Apps for graduates heading from high school to college:

  • Khan Academy (thousands of resources for skill building and research)
  • myHomework (the planner designed for all things academic)
  • Otter (records and transcribes lectures so nothing is missed)
  • Social Success (interactive tutorials on relating to peers and using technology)
college girl and guy standing in hallway looking at phone

Apps for graduates seeking or starting their first full-time jobs:

Apps for graduates moving into full independent living (apartment or house not shared with family):

One caution: if you don’t know what technology the graduate already uses, find out before deciding on an app gift! It’s easy to inadvertently choose something they already have—or something they’ve tried and disliked. Don’t hesitate to ask graduates (or their parents) for specific suggestions: a non-surprise beats the wrong kind of surprise.  

For resources to help graduates transition to independence with disability, visit our sister site, TexasYouth2Adult.

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